Dhayari Bungalow, Pune
Mar 2009 - May 2010
Building that interacts with the surrounds in a dynamic way is hard to come by. Doing justice to the site is a task in itself that needs to be done with great care and caution. A sloping site, along the hill edge offers great potential to the architect in terms of views and division of spaces using different levels. That aspect of the site has been utilized to maximum

Design Focus
Energy Conservation
Water Conservation
Material Conservation

Client Interaction
An aware and conscious client is every designer's dream come true. Somebody who complements and not contradicts, offers his suggestions instead of dictating his terms is a joy to work with.

Right from the conception of the project, the client was actively involved in how the project would shape up. Whether it was his willingness to try out unconventional construction techniques or his commitment to green modes of living, he was always an active participant in the design and construction process. The building is a clear reflection of his mind, spirit and soul.

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